PE and Sports Funding

Since September 2013, the government has provided additional funding for primaries to improve the provision of PE and sport for the benefit of pupils at the school so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles. 

Underlying principles and aims

At Greenleas, we review our PE and sport provision annually and currently assess that, to have the greatest impact on the most children we need to:

  • Increase specialist PE time in school to compliment the skills the staff already have.

  • Ensure PE curriculum resources and active play equipment are in good order and sufficient for our needs.

  • Encourage and support a wide range of sports/ extra-curricular clubs to ensure pupils have the opportunity to further develop skills in activities they enjoy and/or have talent in.

  • Develop the use of the website and the curriculum to improve the awareness of pupils and parents about healthy lifestyles.

  • Impact on pupils’ physical activity beyond PE lessons and sports clubs to ensure that physical activity is a part of daily life for all pupils. E.g. active learning

  • Ensure pupils develop a love for physical activity through, for example, incorporating it into cross curricular lessons which would normally be classroom/table based.

  • Encourage children to develop sportsmanship through inter/intra school competitions.

  • Within our cluster we organise and fund interschool competitions.

Key Achievements pre covid

  • Increase in daily physical activities beyond PE lessons e.g. active maths etc..
  • Increase in club provision and participation for all pupils- some clubs oversubscribed
  • Good opportunities to experience a range of sports through specialists visiting school and inter school games/competitions
  • Profile of physical activity raised across the school
  • Increased physical activity at play and lunchtime through new markings, including the Golden Mile; the trim trail and use of equipment
  • Pupils increasing leadership skills- Golden Mile ambassadors etc...
  • Sports display promoting achievements, clubs etc...
  • Calendar of sporting events within the alliance of schools- all groups catered for
  • Annual Health week incorporating sports day. Children opportunity to take part in team and competitive activities- parents invited along. Supports development of good sportsmanship, they congratulate others on their success and are gracious in defeat.
  • Positive drive on developing mental health and well-being provision- ADHD training, sensory garden etc.…

Areas for further improvment post covid

  • Increase focus on the celebration of all children’s PE and sporting achievements in and out of school
  • Further develop teacher practice as provision now all in house through use of PE scheme and training as needed.
  • Develop assessment process for PE
  • Further develop lunchtime provisions, lunchtime staff leading and developing activities. Re-establish play leaders
  • Continue to purchase resources for sports to ensure all aspects of PE can be taught effectively.
  • To continue to develop and enhance links with Wirral Alliance for inter sports activities.
  • Ensure swimming provision meets the needs to the children- enhance provision and train more staff to develop expertise on the team.
  • Further enhance SEMH provision – Sensory Room development and additional resources

The following reporting tool has been used to reflect on provision and next steps tp support improvements.


Greenleas Primary School

About Us

We take great pride in the fact that we have a happy and inclusive school in which the whole community work together to help our children to reach their potential. We want our children to be the very best they can be!

Contact Us

Greenleas Primary School, Green Ln, Wallasey, CH45 8LZ


0151 639 1225


[email protected]

Main Contact

Mrs S Denton (Office Manager) or Mrs A Chong (Administration Assistant)